Event Series Torah School

Torah School

Temple Emanu-El San Diego 6299 Capri Drive, San Diego, CA, United States

Pizza Lunch at Noon, YG Clubs at 12:15 to 1:15 pm.

Event Series Mah Jong

Mah Jong

Temple Emanu-El San Diego 6299 Capri Drive, San Diego, CA, United States

Come join the Sisterhood in the Temple Sanctuary to play Mah Jong.

Event Series CJH


Temple Emanu-El San Diego 6299 Capri Drive, San Diego, CA, United States

WRJ Bunco Night

Temple Emanu-El San Diego 6299 Capri Drive, San Diego, CA, United States

Hoping you can join us for a fun filled night! It's time for Bunco! RSVP so we know how many will be there for dinner and bunco! WRJ@teesd.com or call if you have question: Nancy (714) 585-7858. Dinner will be a baked potato bar and will accommodate GF, V and Lactose intolerant!