Donations & Payments

Temple Emanu-El San Diego is using “ShulCloud” to process all payments and donations.

Temple Emanu-El has a wide selection of giving opportunities.  Your support of one or more of these funds is greatly appreciated.  If you have any questions, please reach out to our Executive Director, Shaun Copans at  


Below is an alphabetical list of our funds and their functions:

A - M

N - Z

Aaron and Steve Sander Children’s Garden Fund • Maintenance of the memorial garden in the Preschool

Adult Education Fund • Adult education programming

Alice and Phil Cohn Youth Scholarship Fund • Provide scholarships for Temple Emanu-El youth as advised by the Cohn family

Campership Fund • Scholarships for Torah School students to attend Jewish Summer Camps

Caring Community Fund • Support of Caring Community Committee and community programs assisting needy families

Friedman Family Music Fund • Funds for music programming advised by Randee and Dick Friedman

Gardner Memorial Scholar-in-Residence Fund • Provide funding for Scholar in Residence Programming – Advised by Dick and Byrne Eger

General Operating Fund • An unrestricted fund supporting areas of synagogue management where help is most needed

Jenny Spielman Torah School Scholarship Fund • Torah School Student Tuition Scholarships

Library Fund • Maintain and furnish the Temple library

Lipinsky Jewish Family Education Fund • A fund to help bring Jewish parents and their children together for Jewish learning

Marla Bennett Student Israel Fund • Scholarships for students traveling to Israel to study

Mildred Ackerman Children’s Music Fund • Provide for children’s participatory music and theatrical programs

Mi Shebeirach Tapestry Fund • Maintenance of the Mi Shebeirach Tapestry

Prayerbook Fund • Used to purchase and dedicate new prayerbooks

Preschool Donation • Used for preschool education programming

Preschool Endowment Fund • Fund to ensure the future of the Preschool

Rachell Clavell Preschool Scholarship Fund • Used to provide tuition scholarships for families in need.

Rabbis Discretionary Funds • Used at the rabbis discretion to support members of the community who need assistance, provide scholarships for our students pursuing their Jewish education and to enhance our synagogue’s learning community.

Rabbi Marty and Anita Lawson Endowment Fund • A fund to honor Rabbi Emeritus Marty Lawson and to ensure the future of Temple Emanu-El through enhanced clergy services, expanded Jewish education, support of interfaith families and outreach to those who are unaffiliated in our community

Security Fund • Funds for extra synagogue security costs

Social Action Fund • Funds allocated by the Social Action Committee to promote Tikkun Olam to a wide variety of local, national and international organizations

Social Action – Hunger Project Fund • A pass-through fund collected for the Hunger Project at St. Vincent de Paul

Temple Emanu-El Endowment Fund • A restricted fund held through the Jewish Community Foundation to provide essential support as our Temple grows to serve the needs of our membership and our community

Torah School/Campership Fund • A restricted fund to support our Torah School students and our commitment to sending our children to Jewish Summer Camps

Youth Fund • Support for youth programming



Read the official newsletter for Temple Emanu-El, Ha-Sofer (The Scribe).


Services & Events

Stream live services or view past events on BoxCast TV.

  6299 Capri Drive, San Diego, CA

  (619) 286-2555
